Thursday, 30 May 2013

The moose is loose!!!!

Never a dull moment at the Little House!  The other morning, we were looking out from an upstairs window and saw a cow moose and her calf in our pasture - not that we haven't seen that before . . . but when we looked closer, we noticed that the calf was actually on the other side of the gate from his mom and trying desparately to get through . . . and when we looked even closer . ..  we realized that there were twin calves - one with the mom, and one in our barnyard!  We went out (me in my pj's) to see what we could do - and of course, I grabbed the camera on the way out the door.

So here's this little guy - cute as can be and not very old - trying desparately to squeeze through the gate to get to his mother - and he was going to hurt himself.  Art went to open the gate . . . and the little guy was so frightened he bolted - directly at me!

Here he comes . . .

and there he goes . . .

.... fortunately, we have a passage between our house and our neighbors.  The baby ran through there - was able to squeeze through their fence and was reunited with his family . . . how exciting tho!!  I've never seen a moose calf up close, let alone two - and they are soooo cute!  These guys couldn't have been more than a couple of weeks old.

And, there has been exciting things quilty wise at the Little House too . . .

My friend from high school does engraving work - Okanagan Engraving out of Vernon, B.C.  She made me this sign for my studio - I'm so pleased with it - what do you think?  She can do one for you too . . . just ask her!

Sign - close up (right)

Sign - close up (left)

..... and quilts - oh, yes, there have been quilts, too!

This is a cute little panel quilt that Addies made up into kits - and I quilted it.  It's just too cute!

Cute Sailboad Quilt - from a panel

Sailboat quilt - close up of one section - fun to quilt!

and keeping with the nautical theme - here's Liz's Seascape quilt - made from Moda fabrics; Glide thread; Ebb and Flow panto - it was a big quilt! 

Liz's Seascapes - hanging in the studio - needed the ladder!

Liz's Seascape - close up

Bonnie picked up her modified "Snails Tails" quilt today - another big one!  Kansas Troubles fabrics;  Taro panto; So-fine top; Magna-glide bobbin

Bonnie's Big Snails Tails!

Bonnie's Snails Tails - another view

Bonnie's Snails Tails - hanging with Freeda

Bonnie's Snails Tails - backing close up - beautifully pieced backing!!

Close up

.... and then there's Julie's cute little baby quilt for her granddaughter.  Hearts and Daisies panto (Jodi Beamish); Glide thread
Julie's Baby Quilt - waiting for Freeda!
Julie's Quilt = close up of cute panto design!

I did manage to get to the Festival of Quilts at Heritage Park this weekend - but Mother Nature was cranky on Saturday - so all the quilts had to be displayed indoors.  I didn't get pictures - but my friend Matt Sparrow took these ones on the Sunny Sunday and has graciously let me share with you.   The Wainwright Hotel is the focal point of the quilt show - don't they look spectacular!!!

I think Matt Sparrow quilted this one . . .

I have a few more quilts to go before I head on vacation . . . yes, again I'm heading off.  This time to Greece - I'll be back to attend Dawn Cavanaugh's classes at Sparrow Studioz in Edmonton, and then ready to quilt my heart out all summer at the Little House.

Should get in one more post before I head over the pond . . . here's some more of the goodies I received from Heather . . . how lucky we are to have good friends!

Name tag!
Apron . . . I need to sew on a couple of pockets!

Thursday, 23 May 2013

It's that time of the year again - Heritage Park Festival of Quilts

Wouldn't you know it - this weekend is the Heritage Park Festival of Quilts - and it's pouring rain.  Not just a little rain, there is an Environment Canada rainfall warning issued for the City of Calgary for the next 48 hrs . . . seems this happens every year but the sun will find it's way through by Saturday and Sunday so all the quilters can enjoy a day at the park (and the merchant mall!).

Meanwhile, back at Little House - I've been busy with quilts for customers.

Heather was going to display this interesting flower quilt at the FOQ this weekend, but life got in the way!  I quilted each flower space with a different filler design, and used swirls and loops in the yellow sashings (glide thread)

Heather's Floral Quilt

Gale made this Black and White Quilt for a wedding gift - it is absolutley stunning in person!  The appliqued daisies with the pop of color in the border add such interest to the quilt!  I quilted it freehand with echoed teardrops, the odd daisy, and a few hearts thrown in for good measure!  Each daisy was echoed as well, and it really made them stand out.  (glide thread top, bottom line bobbin)

Gale's Black and White

Gale's Black and White - Close up

Gale's Black and White - close up

Gale's Black and White - backing

Gale's Black and White - hanging out with Freeda
 Rose has done it again - another beautifully pieced quilt.  This Irish Chain is going in her RV - that has to be the nicest RV around!  So Fine thread top; Glide bobbin; Autumn Oaks Panto (Jodi Beamish)

Rose's Irish Chain

Rose's Irish Chain - close up - Autumn Oaks panto

Rose's Irish Chain - Flannel Backing showing Autumn Oaks panto

Rose's Irish Chain hanging out with Freeda

More on my friend the goose . . . a few days ago she just disappeared off the hay bale.  I didn't notice that any goslings had hatched - so I had to wonder what happened to her . . . but then yesterday, as I was driving by, I saw two geese (ma and pa) escorting two little goslings in the ditch to the pond down the road.  This would be about 1/2 a km - so quite a way for the little ones to walk!  I saw some geese with babes in the pond today, so I'm hoping it was them. 

I'll try to get to the Festival of Quilts this weekend and post some pictures from there next week.

Until next time ....

Little House Creations - on display!

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

My "hangout" . . .

If it isn't great enough that I get to longarm some amazing quilts, I also get to hang out in a great space.  Addies Creative Fabrics is a small shop in the town of Cochrane, Alberta, Canada. I rent a space at the back of the shop where I have Freeda set up.  Customers come directly into the shop to drop off and pick up their quilts and so far, so good!  If you're in the neighbourhood - stop in!

Last Sunday I was at the shop working on a quilt - and it was like a dream - being all alone in a fabric store!  While I love being there when the store is open, it's also very productive to be at my shop when I'm all alone and totally focused.

Here are a few shots of my "happy place" . . .

The back door of Addies from the back parking lot . . .  I'm the first one there!

Looking into my space
Lots of quilt tops waiting their turn with Freeda and me!

Juvenile prints - just outside my doorway

Lots of notions and quilts on display

The cash desk - and of course, more quilts on display

The front entranceway . . .

Cutting table - patterns, and more fabrics and quilts

..... and more fabric!

Doesn't that look like a great place to spend a few hours?

The space next to me is leased to a shop owner selling the most beautiful cotton poplins and jersey knits for making clothes - for both little kids and the big kid in all of us.  Michelle brings in top quality fabrics from Europe ..... they are very unique and excellent quality.  She's also operating an on-line store   -  l'oiseau fabrics - and check out her patterns - SWEET!!! 

l'oiseau fabrics

fun, fun, pattern books!
and then there's this room at the front of the store - The Front Room - all antiques, photographs, pottery  -
The Front Room

I've been busy with customer quilts - so busy, that I've neglected my photo duties!  But, here are a couple of quilts that were completed in the Little House over the past week or so. 

Fran brought in the beautiful quilt for me  - it was perfectly pieced and a pleasure to work with!
Fran's quilt - Taro panto; So-fine thread

Fran's quilt hanging with Freeda

Tamara made the cutest little baby quilt - all about farmyard animals.  She chose a freehand design; glide thread - don't you love the way the quilting looks in the Minkee backing!

Tamara's Farmyard quilt

Minkee backing - love the texture!

Tamara's Farmyard quilt - hanging with Freeda

I've had the opportunity over the past week to work on four shop samples that Janet, owner of Addies, is taking to the Canadian Quilters Association show in Penticton, BC.  They are off getting binding done - but I'll get pictures and post once they return from the show.  If you happen to be at the CQA show, stop by Addie's booth and say hi to Janet!
It's finally warmed up here in Alberta - we are looking at +25 degree temperatures for the next few days - I'm packing up and going camping!  Happy Mother's Day!