Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Prairie Sky and Festival of Quilts . . . what a weekend!

I'm dreaming about quilts, even when I can't sleep, I'm dreaming about quilts!  I think I may have gone into Quilter Overload after this weekend . . . but what fun!

On Friday, I took a class with Joanne Middleton of Patchwork Schoolhouse - she designed, pieced and quilted this Prairie Sky Quilt - Joanne is a great teacher - really knowledgeable and fun!!    She's definitely a "precision piecer" - Here is Joanne's quilt . . . .

Prairie Sky - Joanne Middleton

Prairie Sky - close up

Prairie Sky - close up

Prairie Sky - Pieced border close up

....  and these are some of the sample blocks made by the class.  Everyone had different fabric choices, but they all turned out fantastic. 

 I can't wait to see some of the finished products!

That was a full day - from 9 - 4 . . . . but then, up and at 'em on Saturday to the Heritage Park Festival of Quilts.  The Quilting Goddesses must have been talking  with Mother Nature - because the weather turned out to be perfect - not too hot, not too cold, sunshine and a gentle breeze - that forecast for rain just disappeared.  What more could you ask for?

Another full day . . . I couldn't possibly take pictures of all 700 (yes, 700!) quilts on display, but here's just a sampling . . .

oh, and yes, I did spend a bit of time at the Merchant Mall  ;)

Looking forward to next year!

Liebster Award - a quilt blogger's kind of recognition chain!

The internet has made this world so small!  Imagine, a quilter from "down under" has been following my blog and nominated me for a Liebster Award.  Liebster is German for favourite - the award is presented to smaller blogs as a form of recognition and support.   A 'Smaller blog' is one with 200 followers or less (that would definitely be me!).  

Thanks so much to Judi for recognizing my blog - and I am so glad she enjoys the quilting - and the little bits about Canada!  Judi lives in New South Wales, Australia - you must check out her blog (www.judiquilts.blogspot.com) - lots of great information and inspiration!

As a recipient you are to:

1. Link back to the person who gave it to you and thank them. 
2. Post the award to your blog.
3. Give the award to 5 bloggers with less than 200 followers that you appreciate and value.
4. Leave a comment on the 5 blogs to let them know that they have been offered this award.

I am always amazed by the wealth of creativity and talent out there in the quilting world.  I can spend hours just browsing blogs and learning from others - and, often, am in total awe of the quilts being created all over the world.

My five nominations are:

Nancy of Crazy Creek Creations (www.crazycreekcreations.blogspot.com) is a fantastic quilter from Calgary, Alberta, Canada.  We met on-line when I was researching  long-arms.  Since then, we have "met" on another quilting forum, and finally met in person last year.  Nancy is a real inspiration and brings a whole lot of "positive" to the world. 

Ardelle is another long arm quilter from Camrose, Alberta, Canada.  She and her husband, Roger, have a quilting shop - Quilting from the Heart (in Camrose).  Ardelle's blog is full of wonderful information about quilting, and I love it that she throws in the personal stuff!  I'm going to Camrose in July to take a Judy Niemeyer class from Ardelle and Roger - it'll be nice to meet her in person!

 Edith of Inch by Inch Quilting (www.inchbyinchquilting.blogspot.com)  lives in Calgary, Alberta as well - you can tell she teaches quilting when you look at her blog - great tutorials!  My sister wanted to make a quilt, but was nervous about matching all the seams and points, so I directed her to Edith's blog for the "Mile a Minute" instructions.  She has now made her first quilt - with scraps of material that hold special meaning - thanks to Edith!

Kathy - (www.kathsquiltingdiary.blogspot.com)  I'm going international now - as Kath lives in Scotland.  I love that she shares both her quilting projects, but also her practice pieces (which don't look at all like practice pieces to me!).  It reminds me that this quilting journey always includes ppp - practice, practice, practice.  Thanks, Kath!

 Kay (www.borderlinequilter.blogspot.com)  is another quilter from the Scottish Highlands - she shares her beautiful quilting - but also lots of stories of her equestrian life, and stunning pictures of the Scottish countryside.  I think I can even hear her accent in my head when I read her blog  ;)

So, there's my nominations - but there are so many more blogs that I follow, it's hard to pick just 5!  Thank you all for sharing your work and inspiring so many other quilters!

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Festival of Quilts - 2012 - R U going to be there?

It's that time of year again!  Heritage Park hosts the Festival of Quilts - hundreds of quilts will be on display at the park - it's a wonderful venue.  Doesn't look like Mother Nature is going to cooperate . . . but what can you do?  I'm sure the organizers always have a plan "B"  . . . .

"Hundreds of stunning, handmade quilts of all shapes, sizes and techniques from across Alberta and Western Canada will adorn the Park, both inside and out. This year's Festival will include familiar displays and events such as the Wearable Art Competition and Creative Kids' Challenge as well as three new special displays: a patriotic and festive Red and White Quilts display, Art Quilts and Hooked Rugs. Whether you are an enthusiastic quilter or simply enjoy viewing the beautiful work, there is something exciting for everyone at the Festival of Quilts"

Addies Quilt Kit

If you're going to the FOQ, stop by the APQS booth and see ManQuilter (aka Matt Sparrow of Sparrow Studioz) . . . and have a stop and shop at Addie's Creative Fabrics booth.  You'll find this little quilt on display - with kits available.  Little House Creations quilted the cute lap quilt using Daisies Galore panto, Glide thread.  It's a great kit to have on hand for that quick and easy quilting project - and don't you just love the fabrics!
Daisies Galore panto - close up

Backing - Daisies Galore is right!!!

Tomorrow, I'll be taking a workshop to make the Prairie Sky Quilt designed by Joanne Middleton (see the FOQ brochure at the link above)  - mine will look nothing like the display one as far as the color way goes because I couldn't justify buying new fabric - I just raided my stash!  (barely made a dent in it - if you know what I mean!)  Maybe next year I'll enter something in the Heritage Park Festival of Quilts . . . . I know that's what I said last year, but you know how it is . . .  ;)

I'll post pictures from the Festival of Quilts next week - if you have some time to spare this weekend, head to Heritage Park - it's a very quilty pleasure!!

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Waterton National Park just became more beautiful . . . if that's even possible!

A Canadian treasure . . . Waterton National Park. . .  scenic, peaceful and one of the most beautiful places on the planet Earth!  If you've ever had the privilege to visit there, you know exactly what I mean.  If you haven't had the opportunity - check out Waterton National Park - or Travel Alberta

So how could this unique escape become even more spectacular . . . ???

How about the addition of two custom made quilts that have found new homes in one of the original family cabins in the town of Waterton.

The first quilt is from the pattern "Colorado Log Cabin" by Eleanor Burns.  It's made with a selection of blues, greens, rusts and beige batiks.  I quilted it using two layers of Hobbs 80/20 using a combo of freehand swirls and feathers in the borders. . . . . I'll let the pictures speak for themselves.

How's that for some quilty eye-candy!

The next quilt has to be one of the most challenging - and therefore fun - quilts that I have ever tackled. . . . check back a few posts to see where it started out ( TAOS ).   It is  made from a selection of beautiful batiks, using the pattern "Taos" by Chris Hoover of Whirlygig Designs. It is also quilted with two layers of Hobbs 80/20 batting using a freehand swirl design. Don't you just love the way the two layers of batting add that little extra to the quilting?

TAOS - backing

Waterton National Park is definitely more beautiful . . . wouldn't you say??

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Construction and Cars 4 Kids . . .

Two different customers, two adorable quilts for little boys!

First up, Kim's Cars Quilt - made with a Cars panel, and racing flag borders!  I quilted this with swirls all over - Glide Thread top, Bottom Line in the bobbin.  Anyone want to go "tractor tipping"??? - (You have to have seen the movie!)
Kim's Cars Quilt

Kim's Cars Quilt

Kim's Cars Quilt - Swirls Close up

Next, Brenda made this awesome Construction quilt for her grandson - how cute is this???  Panels and the right border prints make  a great quilt!  Freehand swirls and loops were all this quilt needed to make it shine!  Glide "Marigold" thread top; Bottom Line in bobbin.

Construction Quilt for a special boy!

Construction Quilt - Close up

Construction quilt - what a great use of panels!!!

Both the quilts will be getting a lot of snuggle time!!! 

Have a wonderful Victoria Day Weekend, everyone . . . it's supposed to snow on Friday so pack you long johns in your camping gear  . . . or maybe a snuggly quilt !!!  It never fails!  Anyone going to Waterton????

BTW - the goose is still sitting on the bales, no goslings in sight yet . . . it's got to be soon, tho, don't you think??

Have you got the Blues????

Well, if you do, this should pull you out of it!

Brenda's blue and teal and purple and . . . well, have a look - this is a wonderful quilt!  It was 105 x 118 inches - WOW!!!  Brenda's quilt is the made from the same blocks as Keltie's Sampler - but what a difference the fabric choice makes! Both are beautiful . . . but so different!

Fluffy Clouds panto, Glide thread "Cloud" on top; bottom line in bobbin

Brenda's Blues and Teals - Sampler

Brenda's Blues and Teals - close up

Brenda's Blues and Teals - Sampler

This quilt is going to look amazing on a bed . . . and, Brenda kept a few "orphan blocks" and made two pillow shams and small pillows!

It's been a busy time at the Little House . . . next post . . . Construction  and Cars for Kids!!

PS:  Philip Phillips is number one . . . that's all I've got to say!!!

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Happy, Happy, Happy . . ..

First of all - Happy Birthday - to Little House Creations!  It was one year ago today that I made my first blog post . . . and it's been a wonderful year of quilting!  I've met so many great people, seen amazing quilts from novice to expert . . . and have been enjoying every minute of it!

Secondly - Happy Palliative Care Week - to all my colleagues and friends who work in Hospice Palliative Care and those who have benifitted from being connected with Hospice Palliative Care  . . . I commend each and every one of you!  You make such a difference in people's lives . .. when they need it the most.

and of course last, but not least, this is National Nurses Week  - another group of individuals who work tirelessly for all of us . . .  thank you! Hug a Nurse!!!  ;)

In honour of all of the above, I made this quilt and donated it to the Mary O'Connor Palliative Education Conference that was held in Calgary today (May 10, 2012) - something that is very near and dear to my heart. 

"When Mary was diagnosed with terminal cancer in the fall of 2003, she chose to treat her end of life journey as “the greatest adventure of all”; she vowed that she would actively embrace whatever short time was left and would continue to help others to her last breath.  Her positive attitude in the face of death had a profound effect on all those she encountered, and her influence has lasted long after her death.  Mary considered herself well blessed to have the support of the palliative care workers in the Calgary Health Region, and wanted to help make the end of life journey better for others.  The Mary O’Connor Foundation is therefore delighted to support the annual Palliative Care Conference, so that others may find a way to embrace this “last great adventure” as well."

..... and so we raffle this quilt . . . in support of the Mary O'Connor Hospice and Palliative Care Conference . . . 

I hear that this is going to Lethbridge . . . . wonderful!!!!  Happy Palliative Care Week!!