Thanks so much to Judi for recognizing my blog - and I am so glad she enjoys the quilting - and the little bits about Canada! Judi lives in New South Wales, Australia - you must check out her blog ( - lots of great information and inspiration!
As a recipient you are to:
1. Link back to the person who gave it to you and thank them.
2. Post the award to your blog.
3. Give the award to 5 bloggers with less than 200 followers that you appreciate and value.
4. Leave a comment on the 5 blogs to let them know that they have been offered this award.
I am always amazed by the wealth of creativity and talent out there in the quilting world. I can spend hours just browsing blogs and learning from others - and, often, am in total awe of the quilts being created all over the world.
My five nominations are:
Nancy of Crazy Creek Creations ( is a fantastic quilter from Calgary, Alberta, Canada. We met on-line when I was researching long-arms. Since then, we have "met" on another quilting forum, and finally met in person last year. Nancy is a real inspiration and brings a whole lot of "positive" to the world.
Ardelle is another long arm quilter from Camrose, Alberta, Canada. She and her husband, Roger, have a quilting shop - Quilting from the Heart (in Camrose). Ardelle's blog is full of wonderful information about quilting, and I love it that she throws in the personal stuff! I'm going to Camrose in July to take a Judy Niemeyer class from Ardelle and Roger - it'll be nice to meet her in person!
Edith of Inch by Inch Quilting ( lives in Calgary, Alberta as well - you can tell she teaches quilting when you look at her blog - great tutorials! My sister wanted to make a quilt, but was nervous about matching all the seams and points, so I directed her to Edith's blog for the "Mile a Minute" instructions. She has now made her first quilt - with scraps of material that hold special meaning - thanks to Edith!
Kathy - ( I'm going international now - as Kath lives in Scotland. I love that she shares both her quilting projects, but also her practice pieces (which don't look at all like practice pieces to me!). It reminds me that this quilting journey always includes ppp - practice, practice, practice. Thanks, Kath!
Kay ( is another quilter from the Scottish Highlands - she shares her beautiful quilting - but also lots of stories of her equestrian life, and stunning pictures of the Scottish countryside. I think I can even hear her accent in my head when I read her blog ;)
So, there's my nominations - but there are so many more blogs that I follow, it's hard to pick just 5! Thank you all for sharing your work and inspiring so many other quilters!
:) Thanks Bev! You made my day! I am going to have trouble passing it on as almost all the blogs I follow have more than 200 followers. And some I follow (esp wordpress) I cannot figure out how many followers...
ReplyDeleteSo I will be trying to figure out who I want to nominate. In the meantime I feel very honored. Thank you for your nice comments about my blog...
RoseCity Quilter (Ardelle)
Thank you Bev, I always enjoy my visits to your blog and I'm glad you like my little blog. Today I finally sat myself down picked my nominations for the Liebster award and did a blog post.