Yesterday we hit a record low temperature for this date! Baby, it's cold out there . . . . we had a doozy of a blizzard on Monday, and then the temperatures have just plummeted and add in the wind chill, it's just plain nasty.
But, Chris's Flip Flop quilt to the rescue - this should warm up any room - and dreams!
Fil-tec Glide Thread; Freemotion designs in borders; stipple around flip flops; wave design in pieced sashings -was was great fun to quilt - Thanks, Chris!
Chris's Flip Flop Quilt - loaded on Freeda |
Close up of stitching |
Hangin' with Freeda |
Close up of Flip Flops |
Flip Flop Quilt - close up of stitching |
Just heading out to warm up the car before heading to the studio . . . another full day of quilting! I'm almost through all my pre-Christmas quilt . . . stay warm everyone - wherever you are!
Love this one! So bright and cheery...