Friday, 27 July 2012

The Colour Purple . . . .

I can't say enough about Cheryl's quilt and it's colours!  It's a simple French Braid pattern, but the cascading arrangement of the shades of purple are simply stunning.  The quilt will be going to Ontario as a wedding gift . . . !!!  (Effervescence panto by Lorien Quilting; Invisifil thread top; Fil-tec Glide in bobbin)

Cheryl's French Braid

Cheryl's French Braid - close up

Cheryl's French Braid - hanging out!

The colors in this quilt seem like they come from nature . . . The delphiniums in our yard come into full bloom the last week of July - 1st week of August . . .

These are very old plants, I'd say they are at least 50 years old - and they come back year after year, like old friends.

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Points . . . it's all a matter of perspective . . . .

I finally finished my version of the Prairie Sky Quilt - you can see that I changed it up a bit so it wasn't as "scrappy" - and I didn't do the fancy border - mostly because I just ran out or time.  This quilt is for my mom's birthday - and I had to get it in the mail today, so she would have it for her party on the weekend with my sistas.  I used the same fabric in all the Star Points, but mixed it up in the rings around each star.  This will look great in her living room - see what you think. (Glide Thread; Quilter's Dream 70/30 batting; free-hand designs blocks and borders)

Prairie Sky
 with the early morning sun rise

Prairie Sky

Prairie Sky border - close up

Prairie Sky - corner borders

Prairie Sky - block close up

Prairie Sky - ls and es in border, ribbon sashing

Prairie Sky - ribbon in sashing

I see  Points in quilts . . . some people see Points in other things . . .  like on this beautiful 4-point buck  (~which is actually 8 points just like my Prairie Sky Quilt~) that was in our hay yard this morning. . . . I think this guy is an Alpha-male - what a beautiful animal.  I sure hope he knows where to go when hunting season opens up  ;(

Mule Deer - 4 point ( x 2 makes 8 points)

Isn't he beautiful - mule deer in hay yard
Last weekend I spent three days learning from Judy Niemeyer . . . if you don't know her quilts, go to - she is amazing.  The course was arranged by Quilting From the Heart in Camrose, Alberta.  This is my centre of the Prairie Star . . .

Prairie Star - centre

I have many more hours to go, but it's going to be spectacular when it's done.  Thanks so much to Roger and Ardelle Kerr for arranging such a great experience.  Camrose is a hidden gem of a city in Alberta . . . very, very nice.  If you're in the neighborhood, have a visit to this little city, and of course, stop in at Quilting From the Heart to say hi to Ardelle and Roger!

Next stop . . . Sparrow Studioz to immerse myself in four days of classes from internationally renowned quilter - Claudia Pfeil . . .

When life hands you scraps . . . make a quilt (or if you're like me, when the stash is over-flowing - buy more to make another quilt)!!

Saturday, 14 July 2012

Sometimes less is more . . . .

We just came back from a week in the interior of British Columbia - very hot temperatures - but when you've got no schedule what does it matter? . . . and, it doesn't hurt that we were surrounded by amazing scenery, good friends and a nice little lake or two to cool off in.  This trip we travelled with our truck and camper - and went off the beaten path a little bit - from Oliver, BC (wine-country) up to Kelowna - over to Nakusp (my new favorite place ever!), through New Denver (wait, this is now my other new favorite place ever) down to the Creston wine-country -  see a theme here  ;) ???  Anyway, here are a few photos for you to enjoy . . .

Ferry Crossing at Needles,  Arrow Lakes - just south of Nakusp, BC

6th Ave. Quilt Shop in Nakusp, BC - it was closed when we stopped by in the evening . . . .sigh!
Our campsite at Nakusp, BC - what a view!

View of Slocan Lake from park in New Denver, BC

Somewhere along the road - sometimes the you just have to stop and take it all in!

Before we left, I completed a quilt for a new customer, Janice.  I just loved working on this quilt as it has an "old soul" feel to it - simple - yet so beautiful.  Janice and I decided simple free-hand feathers would work - and we were so right!  Glide thread, Quilter's Dream 70/30 batting.

Janice's Quilt - hang time

Janice's Quilt - close up all-over free hand feathers

More of Janice's quilt - it's an "old soul"

Janice's Quilt - catching a few rays!

Janice's Quilt - just off the frame
 In less than a week and I'm off to Camrose, Alberta to take a class with Judy Niemeyer and Ardelle and Roger Kerr from Quilting From the Heart.  I'm making a Prairie Star Quilt - it's a big project but I'm up for the challenge!  Hope everyone is having a wonderful summer (or winter for my friends down under!)  - wherever you are!