Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Points . . . it's all a matter of perspective . . . .

I finally finished my version of the Prairie Sky Quilt - you can see that I changed it up a bit so it wasn't as "scrappy" - and I didn't do the fancy border - mostly because I just ran out or time.  This quilt is for my mom's birthday - and I had to get it in the mail today, so she would have it for her party on the weekend with my sistas.  I used the same fabric in all the Star Points, but mixed it up in the rings around each star.  This will look great in her living room - see what you think. (Glide Thread; Quilter's Dream 70/30 batting; free-hand designs blocks and borders)

Prairie Sky
 with the early morning sun rise

Prairie Sky

Prairie Sky border - close up

Prairie Sky - corner borders

Prairie Sky - block close up

Prairie Sky - ls and es in border, ribbon sashing

Prairie Sky - ribbon in sashing

I see  Points in quilts . . . some people see Points in other things . . .  like on this beautiful 4-point buck  (~which is actually 8 points just like my Prairie Sky Quilt~) that was in our hay yard this morning. . . . I think this guy is an Alpha-male - what a beautiful animal.  I sure hope he knows where to go when hunting season opens up  ;(

Mule Deer - 4 point ( x 2 makes 8 points)

Isn't he beautiful - mule deer in hay yard
Last weekend I spent three days learning from Judy Niemeyer . . . if you don't know her quilts, go to - she is amazing.  The course was arranged by Quilting From the Heart in Camrose, Alberta.  This is my centre of the Prairie Star . . .

Prairie Star - centre

I have many more hours to go, but it's going to be spectacular when it's done.  Thanks so much to Roger and Ardelle Kerr for arranging such a great experience.  Camrose is a hidden gem of a city in Alberta . . . very, very nice.  If you're in the neighborhood, have a visit to this little city, and of course, stop in at Quilting From the Heart to say hi to Ardelle and Roger!

Next stop . . . Sparrow Studioz to immerse myself in four days of classes from internationally renowned quilter - Claudia Pfeil . . .

When life hands you scraps . . . make a quilt (or if you're like me, when the stash is over-flowing - buy more to make another quilt)!!


  1. Beautiful quilting on a beautiful quilt Bev. Wow are you a busy lady - I envy you for taking all these awesome classes - it's so much fun learning new things, isn't it. I noticed you said you used Quilter's Dream batting on your Mom's quilt - I've never tried it, but would like to - do you get it here or in the states?

  2. I got it from Montreal - sent you an e-mail
