Friday, 27 July 2012

The Colour Purple . . . .

I can't say enough about Cheryl's quilt and it's colours!  It's a simple French Braid pattern, but the cascading arrangement of the shades of purple are simply stunning.  The quilt will be going to Ontario as a wedding gift . . . !!!  (Effervescence panto by Lorien Quilting; Invisifil thread top; Fil-tec Glide in bobbin)

Cheryl's French Braid

Cheryl's French Braid - close up

Cheryl's French Braid - hanging out!

The colors in this quilt seem like they come from nature . . . The delphiniums in our yard come into full bloom the last week of July - 1st week of August . . .

These are very old plants, I'd say they are at least 50 years old - and they come back year after year, like old friends.


  1. I just looked through a few of your blogs Bev. Very nicely done, you really put a lot of thought into this. I am very impressed. I am so tired today after last week, I am only doing laundry, unpacking, and paying bills. Hopefully I have enough energy tomorrow to do some PPP! I got home about ten o'clock last night. Marg McCulloch
