Sunday 22 April 2012

The signs of Spring are all present . . .

Spring - !!!! 

Spring (/sprɪŋ/ spring) is one of the four temperate seasons, the transition time between winter and summer. Spring and "springtime" refer to the season, and also to ideas of rebirth, renewal and regrowth. The specific definition of the exact timing of "spring" varies according to local climate, cultures and customs. At the spring equinox, days are close to 12 hours long with day length increasing as the season progresses. (wikipedia)

Spring, for me, is the chior of birds in the morning, robins,  perennials daring to expose their new growth, pussy willows, and . . . mud . . .what can I say!  I think it's spring in Alberta now . . .the yard is muddy, the pussy willows are out, I see new growth in the garden, and the robins have been anxiously hanging around since April 2nd -  and this guy - our Woody Woodpecker is hanging around as well.  I don't know if he really leaves for the winter, but we don't see him a lot . . .

Quilting for spring . . . bright, cheery, and full of free-hand spring time flowers and loops . . .

Springtime Quilt
Springtime Quilt  - close up freehand daisies and loops

Springtime Quilt

Springtime Quilt - close up
Lots happening in the Little House right now . .. .  have a look at the quilt I'm making for a very special cottage in Waterton, Alberta . . . it's still in construction (the quilt - the cottage has been there for generations!)  One of the most challenging quilts I've done . . . but it'll be a stunner!!!

Watch for updates!

Happy Spring from the Little House  . . . . and . . . do you remember last year when I mentioned the Canada Goose on the hay bales ???  ..... well, both the goose and gander are back again this year making their nest on a pile of bales . . . I'll get pictures soon!!! 

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